Tugging Yellow – Fresh Precure Reverse

Tugging Yellow - Fresh Precure Reverse

“Shall we give it to her now,” Audra Walker asked her husband, Payton, “I don't think I can wait another minute!?!” Her husband chuckled a bit, before commenting, “You'd think that it was you getting the present and not her, but now is as good a time as any, I guess, so why not, let's do it!!!” Audra literally jumped up from the dining room table and disappeared into the large walk in closet in the foyer and retrieved a shoe box size package that was covered in silver lame' wrapping paper!!! After returning to her chair, she and her husband waited quietly for Marie to return from the kitchen with their after dinner coffee!!! “I hope she likes it,” Audra whispered loudly, “I took great care in picking it out for her, okay, shush now, her she comes!!!” Payton Walker looked over to his excited wife and shook his head and smiled, she really loved having Marie around, and she was almost desperate to make sure she remained happy!!! Marie carefully poured coffee into both of their cups, and was about to return to the kitchen when Audra said, “Marie, dear, could you please come back here, we have something we'd like to give you!!!” Marie sat the coffee pot on the corner of the table and waited expectantly for her mistress to continue! “How long have you been with us now,” Audra asked softly?!? “About a year now, ma'am,” Marie replied! “Are you happy living with Mr. Go back .

Hentai: (SC45) [Kurimomo (Tsukako)] yellow (Fresh Precure!)

yellow 1yellow 2yellow 3yellow 4yellow 5yellow 6yellow 7yellow 8yellow 9yellow 10yellow 11yellow 12yellow 13yellow 14yellow 15yellow 16yellow 17yellow 18yellow 19yellow 20yellow 21yellow 22

(サンクリ45) [くりもも (つかこ)]yellow(フレッシュプリキュア!)

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