Best Blowjobs Ever Please Picture Erotic Big Breasts Shaking! Chile

Best Blowjobs Ever Please Picture Erotic Big Breasts Shaking! Chile

After three rings, a woman picked up the phone and answered, “Pastor Winslow's residence, Betty Winslow speaking!” Harry lowered his voice so no one could hear him, and he whispered into the receiver, “Masturbate for me bitch, and tell me what you're doing!!!” Ready to slam down the phone if he had too, Harry listened intently for any response, and the first words he heard were, “My cunt's so fucking hot, I need to cum so badly!!!” “I'm taking off my panties, and running my fingers into my slit,” she said in a strained voice! “You're the minister's wife aren't you,” asked Harry? “Yes,” she panted into the phone!!! “Does your husband fuck you very often,” Harry pressed on!?! “Almost every night,” was her reply, “my husband's a good fuck!!!” “Do you suck him off,” Harry asked excitedly!?! “Oh, god yes,” she stammered, “I suck him off at least two or three times a week!!!” “Betty,” he continued, “have you ever sucked another girl!?!” “Oh yes, my husband and I suck one of the alter girls, she's only eighteen and has a very pretty pussy,” she replied!!! “Does she suck you, too,” Harry asked!?! “Mmmmmm, yes, she's a born cunt and cock sucker, she can't get enough of it!!!” What about young ?boys,” Harry went on, “do you ever suck any of them off!?!” “Yes,” came her clenched teeth answer, “we have a nineteen year old boy we both love to suck off!!!” Does the reverend suck him too,” Harry asked!?! Oh, yes,” she moaned, “my husband loves to have a strong young cock shoot into his mouth!!!” Harry couldn't believe it, but his pecker was hard as a rock from just listening to the prim and proper minister's wife regale him with stories of her private sex life while masturbating like a cheap slut drunk from cheaper wine!!! “Okay,” Harry ordered her, “be a good little cunt and cum for daddy, all right!?!” “Yessss,” she gasped, “I-I-I'm cumming so fucking hard,” while Harry sat quietly and listened as Betty Winslow fingered her now dripping cunt to orgasm!!! Before he hung up he said to her, “Betty, I want you to go outside, and masturbate for the first man that walks past your house, understand!?!” “Oh, yes, I need to do it for another man!!!” Harry calmly hung up his phone and then went back to work like nothing was wrong!!!

On his way home, he turned on the car radio and laughed out loud when the news came on detailing stories of debauchery all over Smallville!!! Just then, he looked into the rear view mirror and saw the flashing light of a police car. He noticed that at least two or three women had taken water from faucet over the sink and mumbled to himself, “Jesus, Marilyn just took a drink of water!!!” The reason for his excitement was that Marilyn was a “stone fox”, big tits, long blonde hair, perfect teeth, perfect legs, etc, well you get the picture! If his theory was true, he was almost certain that with just a little encouragement she would fuck just about anyone, so after everyone had gone back to work, Harry went to the pay phone in the cafeteria and dialed Marilyn's work number.

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