Toes One Piece Girl´s Kitchen

Toes One Piece Girl´s Kitchen

Benson, if there is, just ask!?!” “Well um,” she stammered, “you see, it's like this, it's been a long time for me, now what I mean is that ever since my husband passed away I haven't. ” “You haven't been with a man,” Bart interjected softly, “is that what you mean!?!” “H-how did you know,” Rachel Benson asked gratefully!?! With a little smile on his face, Bart walked over and kissed his boss full on the lips and whispered, “Because you've been faithful to Jim's memory, but it's been over a year now, and I know exactly what you need!!!”

Bart began to carefully unbutton Rachel Benson's white silk blouse while commenting, “I have a confession to make, ma'am!!!” “Please call me Rachel,” she whispered in a husky voice, “it seems a little inappropriate to speak so formally at a time like this!!!” “Okay, Rachel,” Bart replied softly while now exposing her huge lace bra, “my confession is that I've always fantasized aout these tits, and now I'm gonna get a chance to see them up close and personal!!!” “R-really,” she gasped as his hands encased her huge breasts through her silky bra, “are you just telling me that to make me feel good!?!” “Of course not,” he answered smoothly, “you have and incredible chest, and believe me, there's not a guy who works here who hasn't at one time or another shot a load dreaming about it!!!” With her breathing becoming increasingly shallow, she barely responded, “T-that's hard to believe, I've seen you boys with Vicki and Gail, and they have such perfectly shaped bodies, I certainly don't compare to them!!!”

Bart had by now removed Rachel's blouse, and now having turned her around was gently unclasping the four hooks on her huge bra while nibbling on her neck, and as her boob harness slipped from her shoulders and he cupped her massive naked breasts in his hands, he softly whispered into her ear, “Compared how, Rachel, Vicki and Gail are young and firm with almost child like bodies, while you're voluptuous and lush, and there's not a man alive who hasn't dreamed of being ravished by a woman he can literally lose himself in!!!” “Are you just humoring an old lady,” she moaned as he twisted her big dark nipples, “don't answer that, just keep telling me that you want me!!!” “I don't have to lie,” he whispered, “and this certainly doesn't lie,” as he turned her back around and dropped his pants and shorts exposing his big hard cock to her startled eyes!!! With a wavering hand she reached out and gently touched his velvety head, and without so much as a word dropped to her knees and took him into her hungry mouth!!!

In his thirty years of living Bart had had his pecker eaten by some of the best cocksuckers on the planet, but no one, and he meant no one, had ever driven him so close to an eruption in just the few seconds she had him in her mouth, and if to prove that she was an equal to Vicki, Gail, or anyone else, Rachel Benson, with a series of quick maneuvers with her tongue and lips, brought Bart to a excruciating orgasm in her hot warm mouth!!! “Good grief, woman,” he gasped, “are you trying to kill me or what!?!” “It must be or what,” she replied proudly, “because I'm definitely not trying to kill you!!!” “Y-you could have fooled me,” he said shakily while leaning heavily against his locker, “where did you learn how to do that, you are truly a wonder!?!” “Thank you, kind sir,” she said sweetly, “but I guess I was just born with it, my late husband called me a natural!!!” “Well, he certainly had a good eye for talent,” Bart replied weakly while regaining some of his lost strength, but now it's my turn to do you, so if you'll take off that skirt, I can get started!!!”

Bart watched with rapt fascination while Rachel Benson shimmied out of her skirt and panty hose, leaving her standing there in only her over sized bikini panties!!! The cool locker room air had tightened the capilaries in her nipples causing them to shrivel up in excitement, while in an embarrassed voice she mumbled softly, “I'm sorry I'm so heavy, I know that I should lose some weight, but when you get to be my age it gets pretty hard to do!!!” “Please don't apologize,” Bart said thickly while taking in her large round form with his greedy eyes, “I don't remember the last time I was this turned on, now let's get those panties off, I'm really getting hungry!!!”

Rachel Benson sat down on the long wooden bench attached to the floor in front of the lockers, and with her face turning a bright shade of red tugged her panties over her plump thighs leaving her incredibly hairy muffy open and ready to be taken!!! Bart quickly took his place between her legs, and after sucking in a lungful of her thick aroma, he leaned forward and let his tongue slide throught the dense jungle of pubic hair until it encountered her hot drooling slit!!! “Oh god,” she moaned, “i-it's been so long, oh yes, ohhhhhhhh that feels so goooooooood, mmmmmmmm yes!!!” Talk about responsive, Rachel made even Vicki seem almost nun like as she grabbed him by the neck and locked his mouth to her pussy while literally forcing him to suck her to orgasm!!! “Oh god, don't stop,” she gasped, “I-I'm really close, j-just a little more, I'm almost there, ohhhhhhhhhhh god I'm cummmmmmmmmming!!!” For a hot couple of seconds Bart was actually afraid she might suffocate him, but with the intensity of her climax, her hips thrust forward, momentarily lifting his mouth off of her pussy just long enough to allow him to get a couple of mouthfuls of much need air!!!

He knew she was finished when she released his head from her vice like grip, but while she lay there panting while cupping her big breasts in both of her hands, he easily slid on top of her, and in one quick jab, rammed his meat all the way into the bottomless pit known as her pussy, which prompted another orgasm from her even as she lay there resting!!! Bart turned his seven inch memeber into a mini jackhammer as he blasted in and out of his boss's huge pussy, and again she locked him in place, this time with her powerful legs as she wrapped them around his ass and crossed her ankles, effectively keeping him there until she was finished with him!!! “T-that's a boy,” she said through gritted teeth, “give mama the fucking of her life, make her cum like the whore that she is!!!” “Holy fuck,” he moaned while pistoning in and out of her, “y-you're fucking incredible, never in my whole life, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck there it goes,” and just like that his body stiffened as he shot his hot sperm shooter deep inside of her, which naturally induced her quaking vagina into a series of brutal cums that drained every ounce of energy from her now limp body!!!

What a luxury it was to recover from such a massive orgasm while having your head nestled in Rachel Benson's incredibly soft and squishy chest!!! “So,” do you still feel unappreciated and unloved,” he asked while soflty nibbling on her nipples, “after all, you could show those young 'uns a thing or two, believe me!?!” Reveling in her new sense of power, Rachel Benson caressed his head gently and replied, “It think the next step is me in the shower with the boys, what do you think!?!” “I think that you're over your dispair,” he said with a chuckle, “now, where were we,” as he slid his cock back inside of her!?! “Uh,” she gasped, “we were right there!!!”


Hentai: one piece girl´s

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