[Hazuki Kaoru] Oedo De Ecchi Shimasu! 1 [Digital]

[Hazuki Kaoru] Oedo De Ecchi Shimasu! 1 [Digital]

” “Uh, yeah,” he went on, “Acme Lingerie is the best in the world, and just to show you what I mean, take a look at this!!!” Cindy sat there a little bit bemused as Zak pulled out a tiny pair of bikini panties as he extolled the virtues of his product!!! After he was finished he asked, “So, what do you think, aren’t these just about the best made and most attractive panties you’ve ever seen in your life, I mean they have quality written all over them!?!” Cindy took the panties from Zak’s hand, and after feeling the smoothness of the material replied gently, “They’re very nice, Zak, but I’m afraid we have a little problem here!!!” “What’s that,” he asked, “they come in all the popular colors!?!” “It’s not the color,” she replied, “it’s the size, and if you haven’t noticed, I’m a pretty big girl, and for me to get into something this small would be impossible, I’m sorry, but that’s just that way it is!!!”

Zak eyed the doe eyed woman seated next to him, and she was right, she was a rather large person, but not to be deterred he offered, “I’m sure that I have something that is your size, just let me check my stock!!!” He rummaged around inside of his case for a minute, and after pulling out the largest pair of panties he could find, he handed to them to her hopefully and asked, “Do you think these might do the trick!?!” “Zak,” she said softly, “I don’t think so, but just to prove it to you, I’ll give them a try,” and then with his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets, she calmly stood up and slipped off her bathrobe, revealing an expanse of flesh that nearly took his breath away!!! She took the black pair of over?}?sized bikinis from his shaking hand, and with a great deal of difficulty tried tugging them up over her ample thighs, until when they were finally in place, they almost looked like a thong on her fat jiggling ass!!! “See,” she said softly, “they’re way too small, what did I tell you!?!” Zak just sat there with the sweat popping out all over his forehead, and while his mouth was moving, no sound was coming out!!! Sensing that she had him in her thrall, Cindy stepped directly in front of the stunned young man, and after gently taking his head in her pudgy arms, she pulled him into the two giant pillows that were her breasts, and with a slight cooing sound induced him to suckle at one of her big hard nipples!!!

“Oh, baby,” she said with a sigh, “mmmm, yes, do mama’s nipple for her, suck it harder, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy that’s nice!!!” Zak was still in a state of complete shock at the surrealistic turn on events, because never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined that he would have bee so aroused by a woman who could only be described as fat!!! But incredibly, here he was nursing at the biggest and fattest tits he had ever seen, and the harder he sucked, the harder he got!!! For Cindy on the other hand, it was a case of just relishing the sensation of being close to a man again, and even if he was just a pup, what he lacked in technique he made up for it in spades with enthusiasm!!! Her huge hair covered pussy was now literally gushing, and even though she was turned on to the max, she could still feel a little rivulet of cunt juice running down the inside of her thick thigh!!! Zak couldn’t get enough of the big nipple, but reluctantly he released it from his lips as she pushed him down onto his back, and with eyes as big as saucers, watched in awe as she lowered her magnificent hairpie onto his gaping mouth!!!

At first a stab of terror rushed through him, as he was certain that he would be smothered to death between Cindy’s fat thighs, but as?}? luck would have it, his nose was just exposed enough to allow for easy breathing, so with total abandon, his tongue slithered up and down her wide open crack until it came to rest upon her unbelievably ripe clit, whereupon he bored in on it viciously until she was cumming like the bitch in heat that she was!!! Cupping her huge chest and pulling a hot nipple to her mouth, she ground her pussy into Zak’s mouth while nipping and sucking on her oversized nub as the most incredible orgasm he had ever had waylaid into her cunt like a hurricane hitting land!!! With all of her strength having been sapped from her body, she slumped over and landed on her back wit her legs spread wide apart, and while she was most definitely out of it, he was hard as a rock and ready to go, so as she lay there trying to recover from her gut wrenching orgasm, he was almost frantically ripping off his trousers while taking his place between her thighs!!!

Through her sexually induced fog she realized that he was going to fuck her, but she was still so far gone that she just smiled contentedly and let him have his way with her!!! He ran his dick head up and down the length of her gaping cunt, and after having slipped the head inside of her, he grabbed her by her ample hips, and when he was all set and ready to go, lunged forward, driving his manhood balls deep inside of the burning cauldron that was her pussy, inducing her to climax once again even before he had the chance to make another stroke!!! She began mewling like an injured puppy as he rammed in and out of her with ruthless abandon, and as climax after climax raged through her, his own orgasm was building inside of his nut sack, and as he passed the point of no return, his blue steel pecker spamsed hard several times before spewing out load after load of cum, deep inside of her well fucked pussy!!! Now they were both shot, totally and completely spent from the marathon fuck session they had just completed, and in their state of se?}?xual euphoria, Zak collapsed on top of the hot pussied plumper and fell fast asleep with a fat nipple in his mouth!!!

Hours later when he opened his eyes, he could still feel the rhythmic breathing of the still sleeping Cindy beneath, and quietly as a mouse, he slipped off of her and got dressed!!! When he was finally all packed up and ready to go, he scribbled a thank you note on a piece of paper with a promise, “………and I’ll check and see if we carry any of the larger sizes, and even if we don’t, I’ll be back to tomorrow for a another session, Zak!!!”

THE END. Read this post .

Hentai: [Hazuki Kaoru] Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 [Digital]

Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 1Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 2Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 3Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 4Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 5Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 6Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 7Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 8Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 9Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 10Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 11Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 12Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 13Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 14Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 15Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 16Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 17Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 18Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 19Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 20Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 21Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 22Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 23Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 24Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 25Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 26Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 27Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 28Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 29Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 30Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 31Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 32Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 33Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 34Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 35Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 36Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 37Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 38Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 39Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 40Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 41Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 42Oedo de Ecchi Shimasu! 1 43

[八月薫]お江戸でエッチします! 1[DL版]

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