Holes Manatsu Atsugari Atsugi No Kimi – One Piece Milfs

Holes Manatsu Atsugari Atsugi No Kimi - One Piece Milfs

a longest 4 lanes wide road including a turning lane open median that goes for a mile and a half
People don't drive on it usually there's races all the time 

cops don't try to stop it cause it's 20 feet off the highway nothin but dirt separating them so there's no use trying they just ask we do it safely 
As we do hasn't been a serious crash in a year 
And even then there were no injuries and the cars were both totaled but salvageable 

We only went there to see how fast we could get 172 is  how fast I got to my friend pulled 185 in his pops drag/street maro

This time I went all out 179 is all I could muster 

“it needs bigger heads and a ford racing exhaust I'd have around 800 horses”

“how do you afford these things babe”

“I work save and save and so on I'll get everything I want done to it and mom and dad help me out especially pop 
he loves this car and him makin 90 thou a year and mom owning 4 mc donalds around here we get by”

“why do you have a job then”

“gives me a sense of accomplishment and both my parents wanted to instill a working life into me”

“true true”

I get a text message from dad

“hey bud the whole family wants to see the shuttle launch you wanna go”

“hey Julie you wanna see the last shuttle launch”

“yeah sounds like fun”

Reply”yeah and whose the whole family”

“all your uncles aunts and cousins”

“okay sweet”

We get home dad told me how things were going to work how many cars and that I'd be driving my own i was a bit over eager but it soon went away

4 weeks went flying by we lived 3 hours away from the cape so we were good
Dad had bought 6 walkie talkies to take along of course dad and uncle jay hooked up trailers both holding 3 atv's and 2 dirt bikes 
we obviously were staying at a huge wooden cabin same place I broke my foot but they had really good trails only 45 mins from the cape 

11/2 hours into the trip 

“Jim pull over at the rest stop please”

“ok””everyone were gonna stop up here you guys can keep going we will catch up”

“alright Jim”

We pull off the highway she runs to the bathroom I know she loves being prego and what not
It really turns her on she said shes alot more sensitive
But I really hate her getting sick almost everyday she even asks me to buy gum for her I do but I can see it taking a toll on her 
She walks out

“Julie you ok”

“I'm fine just tired”


“next sign that shows a checkers can I get the usual (milk shake chili cheese fries and a mushroom Swiss burger)”

“you and your cravings”

“hey you di”

She notices me grinning she goes to start cussing me out but I lean foreward and kiss her I whisper

“I'll do anything for you don't ever think I'd ever say no”

We kiss I can't help to say anything but I love you

We get the food and catch up to everyone while their pulling out of a rest area 
to show off I floor it then cut infront dad and every one rages at me but they know I'm playing around
I pull into the next lane as everyone passes then it gets to my
Uncles truck then trailer I notice he's missing both of his 450cc Honda dirt bikes

“hey uncle jay both you're bikes are gone”

“no there not look right behind you” 

I glance up

“when did nick and zach start riding on the road”

“a week and a half ago they were getting a little ancy so I told them they could ride”


We get to the cabin 2 hours later 
Me and Julie get our stuff and room in order 
We tell mom and dad were going to the beach
They tell me everyone will be be there shortly after us 
We get there a half hour before they do

She takes off all her clothes and underneath she wears a deep red bikini 
yeah we live in Florida but on the west coast 
beaches there not so good so we don't go that often but we can't pass up new smyrnia beach 

“hey Julie your baby bump is starting to show”

“shut up”

“I'm not calling you fat it makes you look even more beautiful”

She comes over and kisses me

“does it really you mean you don't think I'm fat”

“no no no no no I dont care about how you look either way I still will love you till the day I die”

“with those words I might just let you fill me up with even more of your baby batter tonight”
Then all too soon the family arrives all 22 of them

We stay there for 4 hours or so then hit a buffet before we go to the cabin 
once we get there everyone gets ready for sleep since we have to get up early for the launch

I'm laying in bed in a pretty big room with a bathroom but all 8 bed rooms are like this and a huge living room

As I'm watching family guy julie walks out of the bathroom fresh from a shower in a outfit Iv never seen
It was a corset purple and black with white strips 

“when I said fill me up with even more baby batter I ment it entirely”

“Julie you look so so so gorgeous”

“you think so baby I'd hope you would of I bought it only for your eyes”

She is sitting on my crotch by now but still on her knees she leans foreward and kisses me
I caress her her head lightly I feel her still damp hair on my hands  
I slowly slide them down the length of her body following every curve of her luscious body

I stand up holding her i lay her on the bed and let loose the knot on her corset
Meticulously go by loosening every lace then pull it off and drop the corset on the ground
I kiss her stomach and work my way up to her beautiful stiff nipples I suck and play with each one
I work my way down
I get to her vagina I just ravage it I lick I kiss I suck I blow
I gave her every sensation possible she's moaning 
Every time she's about to cum I stop I keep doing this time after time
She gets closer and closer and closer but I stop 
I get up I kneel between she pleaded with me

“baby fuck me please I need to cum please make me cum please please make me cum shove that big fucking pole in me”

I don't deny her I shove it in 
I don't know if it's me or or something but every time I fuck her she seems to be tighter and tighter or I'm just getting bigger and bigger
Even how slick she is it's hard to move for the first couple of moments but I get it going
We keep a slow steady pace for a long while I pick up my pace in out in out i stay in but kiss all over her body all this time shes gyrating her hips the sensation is amazing I pump and pump I can't hold it any more i bust right there 
We slow down 
but I still stay hard as a rock and she hasn't gotten off yet knowing I have 1 maybe 2 more rounds left in me I keep it going but only for a couple more minutes till she screams


I follow her shortly but before I'm there she tells me to cum in her mouth before she can get all the way down on her knees 
I spurt leaving a white goo trail from her navel to her chin before she shoves it into her mouth
As she sucks and sucks then goes deep throat where I hit the back of her throat spewing my last spurt into her belly

“I loveeeeeeeee you sooo much Julie”

“i love you to babe”

We lay next to eachother in the spooning position we wisper I love you's to each other slowly drifting off to sleep

“Jim baby get up”

“ha huh what”(groggy)

“it's time to get up”

“it's only 3:30”

“I know but I wanna see the sun rise off of the water”

I get up do the morning ritual and the 3 s's 
I write a note telling mom and dad where we were and to call me when they read this
We leave by 4:15″

I whisper

“Julie I love you”

“love you to baby”

“you think of any names for the baby”

“somewhat if it's a boy Brandon or Jim just like you if it's a girl Jessica or Michelle”

“I would like Julie as our girls name it's the most beautiful name I've ever herd”

“then it's Julie”

“if it's a boy Jim”

“that's fine with me”

About 30 minutes later we arrive at the beach

It's like a movie im sitting back on a blanket she's standing up the sky is a beautiful orange
I stand up walk up right behind her my feet next to hers our bodies pressed together my hands resting on her stomach with hers on Top my face next to hers a summer breeze blows  the smell of salt in the air

“Jim this is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen”

“Julie it's more than that it's gorgeous no there's no word for it and it's made a million times better with you I love you I love us”

“I love us to”

We kiss we wait as the sun comes over the horizon there are clouds in the air 
We just stand there I honestly feel our souls combine I knew from then on there is no me there's us 
no possibility of being separated I felt so so at peace with her

We leave the beach  headed towards the cape listening to linkin park

We catch up to everyone on the road 140 does great tricks 

“hey guys how was your nights”

“Jim how the hell are you so energetic at this time in the morning”

“loving every second of my life as it is”

“oh mr love machine right”

“no I'm in love with the pretty girl I'm with love you baby”

“Jim your a trip haha”

“love you too aunt stace”

“love you too buddy”

“hey pops how's mom” 

“she's feelin a bit woosey but ok how bout Julie”

She takes the walkie talke

“I'm good mr harrington tell her thanks for our talk about a month ago it's helping me coping with my sickness”. Watch more  

“she said your welcome”

We drive for another hour in silence everyone is starting to stir 

“alright everyone were pulling off for food we have 4 and a half hours till liftoff and about 10 miles so were good”


We eat We talk about stuff but nothing I remember I couldn't keep my eyes off of Julie she was just amazingly beautiful
Her eyes her hair her body her personality and the way she looked at me
Just made me feel grateful for getting up the nerve to ask her out
We finish eating they pay the tab and were on our way to the cape


“yeah baby”

“you ok”

“yeah why do you ask”

“you seem outta of it today”

“nope just exhausted maybe a little distracted but I'm ok”

“I kno your exhausted but distracted by what”

“I don't know”

“yes you do I can see it on your face what is it”

“you ok I'm distracted by you your beauty especially your eyes I still get lost in them your eyes remind me of blue Octobers into the ocean the song matches you”

“god that's so so unbelievably sweet I didn't know that ever Happend”

“it does I can't help it and I don't try to avoid it”

“just to let you know I can't sleep unless you say you love me”

“I love you”

“love you to”

We drive to Titusville and find a place to park 
Dad says Weill have to walk  but within 6 or 7 minutes we found a spot
We had to wait an hour in the hot sun 

We enjoyed the launch And the rest of that week 

The next chapter will happen but for now I'm gonna work on another story for a little.

Hentai: [ciohayaku (mezumaru)] Manatsu Atsugari Atsugi no Kimi (One Piece) [Digital]

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[チオハヤク (めずまる)] 真夏 暑がり 厚着の君 (ワンピース) [DL版]

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